Tips on what you should “Do’s”("Do") when planning a travel or while travelling:
- Always, keep a photocopy of your passport/Visas and other important documents, (such as: Credit Cards, Personal Identification, Airline Ticket, Hotel Reservations and other documents) separate from your original ones. And if you have an option, keep a password protected copy in your email also. This will help you, when if by any chance you lose any of your original ones. It will be a life saver for you.
- Get familiar with the Rules and Laws of the country you are travelling too. And most definitely the culture of the locals.
- You have a speed dial in your phone? I am sure you do, use it for emergency contacts, such as local Police, Ambulance, Embassy, and Family.
Tips on the “Don’t Do” when planning to travel or while in traveling:
- Do not lose your passport, always keep it in safe locks. Though even if you lose it, it is not going to be the end of the world, but it will just feel like.
- Most places are safe in most countries, BUT don’t wander around dark places or into areas that are known to be high risk. If you are one of those, who would like to explore each corner of the city, try not travelling alone to high-risk areas especially at nights.
Discriminating any country or race is never good, but it is insane if you start your hate speech while you are with them in their country. So keep your negative thoughts with you and not speak out while you are still travelling. The rule is simple, you don’t like anyone, or anything just ignore and have fun.